buildingSMART International: Calls for Participation
buildingSMART International is launching a new specialist forum, known as a Room , for developing and deploying open digital standards specifically for use during the construction phase. Kajima Corporation, one of our Strategic members, are taking the lead in developing this and we invite all construction companies to join with this initiative…
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Open BIM for Airports –
call for participation
buildingSMART International is launching a new specialist Room for developing and deploying open digital standards specifically for the Airport environment. The Asset Management department at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport is taking the lead in creating this with us…
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buildingSMART International Awards 2016: Call for Jury Members
buildingSMART International initiated an awards program in 2014 and is continuing its success in 2016. The purpose of the award is to create awareness of the business benefits of using buildingSMART solutions and to promote organisations that have adopted the methodology. The title of the awards program is: buildingSMART International Category Awards. In 2016 a number of categories have been added and the full awards program consists of the following prizes: Design Using Open Technology, Construction Using Open Technology, Operation and Maintenance Using Open Technology, and Students Using Open Technology…
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IFC Road & Rail. Call for funding
At the buildingSMART International Autumn summit in Singapore, the Infrastructure Room accepted the IFC Roads and Railways project summary, provided that the first step of the initiative, the Requirement Definition study, would start as soon as possible.
Since the autumn summit the IFC Roads and Railways working group have refined a proposal for this Requirement Definition study…
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