The Strategic Roadmap for buildingSMART

BIM Software; BIM Manager; BIM Koordinator; BIM Schulung; BIM Management; BIM Events
In one of my first blogs in this role, I set out as a priority the creation of a Strategic Roadmap for buildingSMART International so that we can develop interoperable standards, digital services, and a sustainable future. My goal was to help guide the work of our community over the coming years in a clear and focused way. I want to thank everybody for their input and suggestions from many people across our network. I am delighted that the first part of this Roadmap is now complete and available for everybody. The remainder of this blog explains each element of the Roadmap in more detail.

It is worth noting that this is not the end of the story, as this will remain a living document. Furthermore, over time I hope to supplement this document – which focuses heavily on what we need to achieve and by when – with further details on how our community can evolve our ways of working in delivering against these requirements.

Firstly, the context within which the Roadmap sits is defined by the fundamental role of buildingSMART in solving the key challenges of productivity and sustainability across the global built environment. These challenges can only be overcome through optimised decision-making and increased automation across project lifecycles, which in turn is only possible if project data from all sources can be fused together into information and intelligence and retained throughout the life of the project. The open digital standards and services that buildingSMART provides enable this data fusion and retention, upon which rests our industry’s ability to automate and make the smart decisions that increase productivity and sustainability, as shown in the slide below. Given how the built environment defines so many of our positive achievements as humanity while also accounting for some 39% of global CO2 emissions, our mission is to improve the world.

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