BIMObject veröffentlicht ein neues, offenes Format

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BIMobject AB: BIMobject to release new open file format solving industry-wide problem

oday, BIMobject announces the planned release of a new file format developed to ensure accurate reuse of information in the AEC industries, addressing the significant problem of unreliable data exchange. As a world first, the BIMscript® Assembly Macro, or BAM format, will be a lightweight, open file format that will allow for communication with no data loss between BIM, CAD, and 3D softwares, and new devices for Augmented and Virtual Reality. The format will be implemented gradually in all BIMobject solutions.

With the creation of the new file format BIMscript Assembly Macro, or BAM, BIMobject responds to the industry-wide struggle to recreate and reuse information without corruption. Addressing this issue is a prerequisite in order for data to be reliable and for the construction industry to move forward. There is a need for a lightweight, intelligent open format that enables the continued workflow of product assemblies and configurations between professional design softwares for 3D, CAD, and BIM and new AR and VR devices. Given the increased use of AR-enabled smartphones and tablets, VR-headsets, and new AR-headsets like the Microsoft HoloLens, the problem of unreliable data is very likely to continue to grow unless addressed.

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