Video-based Parking Space Detection: Localisation of Vehicles and Development of an Infrastructure for a Routeing System
Horn, D. und Brüggenthies M.
Betreuer: Neuhausen, M.
Studienprojekt 2015
Searching for vacant parking spaces is a time-consuming and often irritating task. Car park routeing systems can assist drivers in this undertaking. Current parking systems either issue imprecise information or prove costly due to the required resources, and are thus unattractive for car park operators. In this paper, we propose a vehicle tracking and navigation module as part of a routeing system which is based on real-time image processing. A background subtraction combined with temporal filtering is used for tracking. The routeing is realised by applying Dijkstra’s algorithm to a digraph which is matched onto preprocessed camera images.
Quelle und weiterlesen: Ruhr-Uni-Bochum