A Performance Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms for Construction Project Optimization Schedules

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A Performance Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms for Construction Project Optimization Schedules
Bandegan, B.
Betreuer: Szczesny, K.
Masterarbeit 2015

There are so many optimization problems in the engineering world which are very complex in nature and quite hard to solve by conventional optimization techniques. Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) is one of the most well-known NP hard problems and has been a research topic for many years. During the years, a wide variety of optimization algorithms have been developed to solve RCPSPs. RCPSP aims at minimizing the makespan of a project subject to precedence relations between the activities and the limited renewable resource availabilities.

In this thesis, genetic algorithm is implemented with five various crossover methods in Java-based optimization framework MOPACK and is applied to PSPLib which is the library with different problem sets for various types of RCPSP. As an experimental study, these methods are tested and compared with each other. The makespan is the measure used to evaluate which crossover operator has the best performance on a specic solved instance.

Quelle und weiterlesen: Ruhr-Uni-Bochum